The World of

The world of
Learning Cities, Towns and Regions

The world of Learning Organisations

The world of
Lifelong Learning Schools

Skills-based Curriculum
Teacher Skills

The world of the Lifelong Learning University

The world of
Lifelong Learning in Adult Education

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The World of the Lifelong Learning School

Schools can play a key role in the development of a Lifelong Learning Society. In theory, they teach the skills and knowledge and foster the values and attitudes which potentially enrich a country’s, region’s or city’s future. The following is offered as a basis for discussion and as a new dynamic for consideration by school teachers and administrators. The diagram below is a concise and creative basis for discussion by teachers, administrators, governors, parents and everyone involved with schools.

The Long Learn
Lifelong Learning School

Mawson Lake School
1. Strategy for Development
  • Stimulates progress through a written organisational Strategy, available to all, for developing the full human potential of each student and member of staff
2. Curriculum
  • Creates opportunities for children to manage change throughout their lives through a curriculum based on the enhancement of personal skills and lifelong values
3. High Standards
  • Helps to maintain a culture of quality and respect for high standards in everything it does through continuous improvement programmes for staff and students
4. Outreach to Community
  • Opens up new resources for the school by harnessing the skills, talents and knowledge of governors, parents and everyone in the community to create new learning opportunities and to implement school strategies
5. Optimisation of Opportunities
  • Optimises the development Lifelong Learning attitudes in all its children and staff by involving them in the use of personal learning plans, guides and mentors
6. Learning through Networks
  • Links staff and children to the world through networks to enhance collaborative learning opportunities and promote a sense of tolerance, justice and understanding of different races, creeds and cultures
7. Technology Focus
  • Taps the motivational power of modern information and communications technologies for teaching across all disciplines
8. Involvement of the Family
  • Involves the family in the life of the school through increased home-schoolCooperation
9. Motivation
  • Motivates pupils to celebrate learning frequently as a desirable, permanent and enjoyable habit
10. Extra-curricular Activities
  • Enhances self-esteem, confidence, creativity and the cultural vision of staff and children through a wide range of extra-curricular activities

We see schools - quite as much as other providers - as being more and more concerned to enable people to learn how to learn, as well as dedicated to transmitting  knowledge, skills and understanding. We regard the disposition to learn, and the confidence to do so, as being vitally important currencies for the future. We see secondary schools, in particular, progressively moving away from rigid timetables, and even classroom based teaching, to very much more flexible modes of provision tailored to the needs of the individual learner and supported by ever strengthening distance learning and ICT.’
(Wales - The Learning Country A Paving Document)


People will only plan for consistent learning activities throughout their lives if they want to learn. They will not want to continue to learn if their experiences of learning in early life have been unsuccessful and personally negative. They will not want to carry on if appropriate learning opportunities are not practically accessible as far as timing, pace, location and affordability are concerned. They will not feel motivated to take part in learning whose content and methods do not take proper account of their cultural perspectives and life experiences

(European Memorandum on Lifelong Learning)

Read the initial letters of each column

So how’s it done? Learn More from

a) the second part of the book ‘Lifelong Learning in Action’
b) Chapters 6, 8 and 9 of ‘Learnings Cities, Learning Regions, Learning Communities’
c) Sessions 1.6, 4.4, 5.5 to 5.9, 6.2, 6.8, 7.4, 7.6, 8.4, 9.2 and 9.4 of the active learning materials


More about the skills-based curriculum?


Short Stakeholder Audit for Schools Click here for more information