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The world of
Learning Cities, Towns and Regions

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Lifelong Learning Schools

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Papers, Presentations, and articles

The following papers and articles provide an eclectic cross-section of topics in lifelong learning, learning cities, towns and regions. Some are short, some are long, some amusing, some tongue-in-cheek. There is even a French and a German paper. Please feel free to download them.

1. Global Learning City/Region Networks and the PALLACE project  (New Horizons 2004)

2. Learners at Large in Hokkaido – a portrayal of a Japanese Learning Festival

3.Learning Communities in a European Learning Society – Presentation for a European Policy Seminar

4. Lifelong Learning, the Learning City and the Learning Region - A Vision for the Future
A short guide to Lifelong Learning in cities, towns and regions for the impatient, the anxious, the curious and the perplexed – a Q and A paper

5. French Version of 4 above – ‘’education et formation tout au long de la vie, la ville apprenante et la region apprenante – cap vers le futur’

6. Just another conference – a one page reflection on the learning society

7. Riding the ‘Learn’ – an account of the journey of the world’s first Lifelong Learning Train.

8. Lifelong Learning – Developing Human Potential. Agenda for Global Action for the 21st Century (Ball and Stewart)

9. EineLernGemeinschaft – A German Learning Community (Deutsch)

10. 21st Century Learning Cities and Regions – Making the World a Better Place

11. Lifelong Learning and Regional Development (MS Word Document - 467KB)

12. Learning Cities and Learning Organisations (MS Word Document - ??MB)

13. European policy paper on learning cities and regions (eurpolicypaper) (MS Word Document - 2.26MB)

For Powerpoint presentations click here